Over the past few years, hormone replacement therapy has become a feared term by many women. The WHI study which was published in 2002 warned users of HRT regarding the increased risk of breast cancer, strokes, clots and heart disease. Synthetic hormones as used in the WHI study are not similar structurally to what the body naturally produced and utilized.

Today women are more educated about HRT than ever, and they want to learn about alternatives. Bio-Equivalent pellets are helping women (and men) get their lives back. These pellets are made by compounding pharmacists and are derived from plants. Not only are we able to adjust estradiol (estrogen), we can administer testosterone as well, which plays a vital role in our lives. Testosterone levels begin to decline in our mid-twenties; by the time a woman is menopausal, she has lost a significant amount of this critical hormone. So often in practice, we hear women complain of feeling tired, depressed and having no libido. Certainly, these issues can be multifactorial, but we have found when a women’s testosterone levels are brought back to normal it gives her the confidence and desire to live her life again.

How it works: Bio-Equivalent Hormonal Therapy is a treatment process that involves the painless insertion of a Bio-Equivalent hormone pellet under the skin. These pellets are identical to the hormones produced by the human body 24/7. There are virtually no side effects or creams to apply. And the best part…it can last up to six months.

There has been controversy on the topic of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for the last 15 years. Negative attitudes drastically dominate the media since 2002. Combine this with the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study that was halted three years ago because of health risks; it has confused women trying to make informed decisions on their health.

Lets shed a little light on the confusion.

First, the WHI study and the subsequent media reports about HRT are based on Commercial HRT only. They are based on findings of the combination of conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone (called PremPro). Thus, when you hear about HRT in the news, this is what they are referring to.

There are alternatives. Over-the-counter, there are products containing phytoestrogens, and topical products containing low-dose progesterone. These will provide temporary relief in PMS, perimenopausal, and menopausal symptoms. Long-term benefits and improved health can be achieved through Bio-Equivalent Hormone Replacement Therapy, a prescription alternative.

What is Bio-Equivalent Hormone Replacement Therapy? 
Bio-Equivalent Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is a prescription alternative to conventional hormone replacement therapy (conjugated estrogens, medroxyprogesterone, etc.)

Bio-Equivalent medications are plant-derived and chemically changed in a laboratory until they are identical to what your body would naturally produce. BHRT is customizable; in other words, it can be adjusted to fit your needs, unlike conventional HRT, which has a few standard dosage strengths.

What are the goals of BHRT? 

  • Alleviate symptoms caused by the natural decrease in hormone production in the body
  • Reestablish the individual’s hormonal balance
  • Provide protective benefits that were initially provided by the body’s naturally occurring hormones

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement therapy offers many health-related benefits:

  • Helps in the prevention of Osteoporosis and restoration of bone strength
  • Protection against heart disease and stroke
  • Reduced hot flashes and reduced vaginal dryness
  • Muscle mass and strength are better maintained
  • Improvement in cholesterol levels
  • Risk of depression decreased
  • Reduced risk of breast and endometrial cancer
  • Improved libido
  • Prevention of senility and Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Improved sleep
  • Mood, concentration, and memory become better
  • Far fewer unwanted effects than synthetic hormones